Rural Romance Authors Get Together In Person

Wednesday Wanderings with ARR authors

Romance Writers of Australia annual conference (in Adelaide this year) recently saw any number of rural romance authors and rural fiction authors together.

Photo credit: Catherine Evans

From the many authors writing our favourite genre, here are a few photographs of our own Australian Rural Romance website authors.


It was a big conference with around 400 romance and fiction authors gathering for workshops and to hear keynote speakers talk. There was also a themed cocktail party and an awards night dinner to enjoy. Throughout the weekend we stood shoulder by shoulder, championing our business: writing!

Time was tight for us to capture this photo of some of our ARR group authors because most authors were about to attend the ARRA signing. But we managed it, apart from…

Missing in action from this group photograph were: Lily Malone who was busy smiling having just received the very first paperback copy of The Vineyard in the Hills (previously, So Far Into You) and Catherine Evans who was busy smiling alongside Lily and enjoying this special moment.

Also missing was Trish Morey. Trish was caught up every which way as she was part of the amazing group of writers who volunteered their time (yes, volunteered!) to organise and convene the Romance Writers of Australia Adelaide 2016 conference. Here she is being amazing as MC.

The other missing person from the group photo was Victoria Purman who was also busy being a super duper organiser of the conference. Here she is waiting to talk to editors and publishers in the State of Publishing panel.

We send thanks to both Trish and Victoria and all the other persons who volunteered their time and expertise to organise this wonderful conference.

Back row left to right: Jennie Jones, Pamela Cook, Tea Cooper, Sarah Barrie, Cheryl Adnams, Nicole Hurley-Moore and guest Marilyn Forsyth.

Middle row left to right: Helene Young, Alissa Callen, Lisa Ireland, guest Janet Gover, Fiona McArthur and Tricia Stringer.

Front, seated, left to right: Rachael Johns, Mandy Magro and Cathryn Hein.



The big red heart on the beachfront - it was surely made for us? Photo credit: Catherine Evans

View from the twelfth floor of the Stamford Grand hotel, Glenelg, Adelaide. Photo credit: Jennie Jones

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